Research & Publications

Publications and working papers

Work in progress

  • “Trade barries and exchangerates” (with Rudolfs Bems and Han Sun)
  • “Monetary transmission in emerging markets: a high frequency approach” (with Yavuz Arslan and Fatih Altunok)
  • “Original sin redux, hedging costs and the migration of currency mismatches” (with Mai Dao, Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas and Lorena Keller)
  • “Decomposing the drivers of exchange rate premia”(withEke Ozge Emeksiz, Ivan Petrella,Andres Fernandez and Tatjana Schulze)
  • “Global value chains: trends and drivers over the last five decades” (with Raphael Auer, Burcu Erik and Taejin Park)

Publications in policy journals

Research notes and other papers​

Country Work​

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